The average office desktop holds 400 times more bacteria than the average office toilet seat. Make sure you wash your hands and keep your work area clean. [source: Market Wire].
To prove a point, today Colin Hart and Kevin Rathgeber will be working from the men's toilet on 17. Come say hello if you get a chance. Check out their office.
With the flu season approaching and the reporting that we continue to hear about the H1N1 virus, there are some basic precautions that we need to take to ensure that we protect ourselves, our families and our work environment.
Widely recognized by health authorities, proper hand-washing is the single, most effective method of preventing the spread of illness. The use of hand sanitizers appears to be a good alternative or supplement. You will recall that we placed a number of hand sanitizers on all floors early this year. In walking around it appears, that they are still quite full in some areas and have not had to be replaced - yet. Please use them.
Many surfaces commonly touched by individuals such as office equipment, key boards, telephones, door handles, are not part of the building cleaning service so again we encourage all staff to personally pick up some wipes that you will find in your area for cleaning your equipment.